GrownUps New Zealand

Personal Pep Talk

Who is your best friend? Hopefully, the answer is you, in that you determine your worth. You allow people to behave towards you in the way you believe you deserve.

Everyone has days where they are frustrated or disappointed in themselves. But for the most part, it is important to believe in yourself, support your own decisions and lead by example. If you would like to be liked and respected, live a life that allows you to like and respect yourself. Speak as kindly about yourself as you would about your loved ones.

It is easy, when you feel down, or strike a set back in life, to blame yourself – if only I was smarter, younger, more capable…but, would you say that to your best friend if they were struggling? Probably not. Here are a few reminders to ponder next time you feel like giving yourself a hard time.

You are doing the best you can in the circumstances. 

Of course, you always have the opportunity to do something different  if you would like to change the outcome of a situation. Always. There is a solution, it’s a matter of finding it and being willing to do something different to affect change. However, until you decide things need to change, accept that you are doing your best. It’s what a friend would do.

It is your right to be positive about yourself.

Perhaps you are finding a particular situation challenging. Perhaps you feel a little out of your depth. That’s okay, but consider this; there is more right than wrong with you. That is a positive statement in the midst of a dark time. Use it to springboard further into a more constructive mindset. If nothing else, you can change your outlook at a moment’s notice. You don’t need anyone’s permission or help to do so.

Everyone makes mistakes, and as such, everyone deserves love and forgiveness.

Life is about progress, not perfection.

You should never stop learning, thinking, debating and being open to new ideas. As such, life is truly a journey that you will continue to live, until your last day. You don’t need to be perfect. That is a destination. Keep progressing, moving forward and striving to be the best version of you that you can be.

Be open to acceptance and love and encouragement, from yourself and from others around you. Choose to be compassionate with yourself and watch the world join in.