GrownUps New Zealand

Nervous Tension

Butterflies. Nervous energy. Anticipation. Whether you are going to a job interview, playing sport or trying something for the first time, your body is physiologically giving you messages to prepare for performance.

A few nerves sharpens your focus. Everyone finds themselves in situations that create nervous energy. It is a constructive state, as opposed to anxiety, which can feel like an uncontrollable state.

‘Butterflies’ indicates your body is experiencing physiological arousal; meaning your sympathetic nervous system is sending you into fight or flight mode. It doesn’t necessarily mean there is an danger – stress or nerves need to be viewed in context. No matter how tough you consider yourself to be, no matter how well prepared you are, nerves will heighten your physical and physiological arousal.

Your nervous system is designed to keep you safe, by identifying and analysing threat in your environment. Everything in your body is there for a reason – your heart rate, pulse and breathing support you, and specific. Sometimes one aspect becomes heightened, so that you can act swiftly. There are a few basic strategies to control this nervous energy and use it to your advantage.

These physical sensations are completely normal, so acknowledge them in a positive light –  your body is getting ready to perform. It is normal and helpful to be nervous, so keep it framed that way, rather than as anxiety.

Next, just breath calmly. Regular, controlled breath helps you moderate your heart rate and provides a point of focus. It also gives you something practical you can do to keep your thoughts rational and on-task.  Thinking and planning is helpful, worrying not so much. Stay in the present moment and trust yourself.

Lastly; take action. Speak calmly, take the shot or just begin. Your preparation, coupled with a healthy dose of nervous energy will converge to help you perform at your very best.