I hear so much these days about ‘conflict resolution’. Whether the conflict is perceived to be internal or external it has the same cause: The Law of Attraction. And what we experience as ‘inner conflict’ is really what causes conflict situations in our ‘external’ lives.
How many failed Peace Initiatives have we seen? There is always some envoy or other attempting to broker peace between two warring factions, whether they are countries, religions, tribes, marital partners or merely parents attempting to come to an agreement as to how to raise their children.
So – what to do? Let’s look at the personal, inner conflict because we must first acknowledge that the state of our external worlds is simply, and accurately, a reflection of what is going on inside. We can spend years in psycho-therapy, attend workshops and self-help training programs until the cows come home but if we do not change the focus of our attention and energy we will never change anything in our lives, least of all resolve the conflict that we are so desperate to resolve.
So what does it mean to “change our focus”? It really is not rocket science! You will attract exactly what you focus your thoughts and feelings on. So if you are fearful of a situation developing in a way that will be negative, and you are constantly seeing a picture of how that would look, and feeling the emotions of how that would be, then you are attracting exactly that. And if you focus your attention on the positive and desired outcome of a situation, then you work in tandem with the Law of Attraction in creating that outcome.
The mind has oft been referred to as the ‘serpent’. It is our negative, fear-driven thoughts that keep us enslaved by imagining the worst possible outcomes for our professional, personal and financial lives. And as we pay attention to those thoughts, guess what we are doing? Creating the very situations that we feared. However, focusing on desired outcomes and uniting vision with action will get us where we need to go.