GrownUps New Zealand

Mood Elevators

Somedays, for no particular reason, you feel a bit lost, or down. Sometimes, the reason is clear, other times there seems to be no real reason for a low mood.

There are practical things you can try to improve your mood and your outlook. If ‘the blues’ settle in and don’t seem to be shifting, talk to your GP or other health professional.

Get moving
Motion is all forms improves your circulation and tends to elevate your energy levels and mood. Go for a brisk walk, ride your bike (especially down a decent hill – that’s exhilarating!), get stuck into your gardening or go and do an exercise class. Exercise releases endorphins, which are nature’s antidepressant. Being active also encourages contact with others.

See some sun
A lack of Vitamin D can encourage the blues. If the sun is out, join it! Take a book or a cuppa outside for 15 minutes and enjoy the warmth on your skin. It’s hard to be glum in the sun.

Be a kid again
If the sun is hard to find, embrace your inner three-year old and find a puddle to splash in. Trample through mud until your gumboots get a bit stuck or kick some leaves. If you have a small child in your life, have a tea party, play dress up or take a walk to an ice-cream shop. It’s amazing how such simple things can bring a smile to your face.

Connect with people
Avoid the trap of feeling like you are better off on your own – it can turn into a negative spiral. Take a deep breath, be brave and call or text someone and suggest a get-together. Chances are, you will brighten someone else’s day at the same time!

Spruce Up
If you are feeling down, don’t let yourself look it. Get up, shower, dress nicely and be ready to face the world, feeling proud of yourself. Slouching around and hiding won’t help. Lipstick, perfume, aftershave or bright accessories can all help.

Indulge in some animal therapy
If you have a pet, give them some extra love and attention. If not, a quick visit to a pet shop can fill an hour in a really fun way. Many of the animals need to be socialised, so store owners are often happy for them to be handled. A wriggly little bundle of love will make you feel great!

Count your blessings

Set a timer for two minutes, take a piece of paper and pen and try to scribble down 10 things that you are grateful for. Start small if you have to, but appreciate what you do have. It is always your right to look on the bright side!