GrownUps New Zealand

Happiness Checklist

As the saying goes, happiness is an inside job. No amount of praise, material possessions or circumstances will fulfil you if you are not fundamentally happy with yourself. The art of self-acceptance is one that most people take a long time to master. We are often our own harshest critics, finding it hard not to compare ourselves unfavourably with others.


Instead of a bucket list, have you tried a happiness checklist? Look at your life and see what you can change and what you can simply appreciate. Counting your blessings is a great exercise in perspective. Start with these:

– Money is fluid. Most of us have times of financial feast and famine throughout life. Try not to worry about what you don’t have, rather be realistic and practical. If you have a home, good food and enough creature comforts to enjoy life, how much else do you really need? It may be more beneficial to accept that you are probably doing just fine.

– Do you have friends, family and/or a spouse you love and who supports you? Yes? Fantastic – focus on them and work to either forgive or distance yourself from others who leave you feeling less that supported.

– What makes your heart sing? Find something that really lights you up and make sure you do it every week, or more often if you can. This may be a hobby, helping others, something indulgent or your job.

– Make friends with the man or woman in the mirror. Give them more compliments than corrections and appreciate your body for what it does for you. Take good care of it in terms of exercise, fuel and rest.

– Open your mind – when did you last learn something new? Stay open to new concepts, facts, ideas and points of view. Learning is inspiring and inspiration is a key ingredient in happiness!

– Open your heart. Seek out the good in people. Seek out love. Seek out fun and spontaneity. Seek all these things as often as you can.

–  Be yourself. If you are a little crazy, quirky or unusual – you are probably a source of joy and inspiration to others just as much as if you always follow the rule. Never apologise for being you. Know your own values and limits and never be pushed to compromise them.

– Put on your own oxygen mask first – When you are healthy, content and inspired, you are ideally set to help others. Avoid the temptation to burn yourself out helping others – make sure you take time to help yourself too – you’re important!

You can always change. It is never to late to work on your personal happiness project.