GrownUps New Zealand

Fall In Love Again Today

Love is patient… Love is blind… Love is a choice… Love is a decision…

Love can actually be all about perspective.

What can begin as adorable quirks that make you smile to yourself about your beloved, over time can turn into irritating habits that cause friction. New love is a beautiful, exciting, exhilarating thing. In time, it will hopefully develop into old love – patient, deep, truthful and fulfilling.

If you are at a point (as everyone reaches) where there are niggles and resentments, take stock. Were these little foibles of your partner once endearing? Has your reaction changed, rather than their behaviour? Could a change in perspective bring about the peace and patience required to reach a new understanding?

Let’s look at a couple of typical scenarios and what perspective can do.

When you partner is busy around the house or in the garden and won’t stop to spend time with you

When you have a difference of opinion

When your partners mood is dark due to a personal or professional problem,

When you feel distant or disconnected

Love and life can be complicated. The fact is, your viewpoint has a huge bearing on how you react to a situation. Do you choose to react with love, kindness and compassion, or with impatience and frustration? If it is the latter, it is never too late to make a change. Bad habits are easy to fall into, but they can be changed.

Take a moment and spend five minutes reminiscing to yourself about the moment you first knew you were in love; about the things that gave you butterflies. Allow yourself the time to smile and recapture that feeling, and then try to react to your current situation using that point of reference.

Chances are, that will make an enormous difference. If someone is close enough to wake you with their snoring, they are probably close enough to cuddle, and that is a great thing. Practice love, kindness and gratitude and watch yourself fall in love all over again, anytime.