GrownUps New Zealand

Social Networking Myths…BUSTED!

 Read more from Eva-Maria here.

Myth #1: It’s easy

No way, Jose!

If anyone tells you that, they are either lying or are delusional. Social Networking has made networking faster, but no one ever cancelled the hard yards of work behind it. Social Networking is the exact same thing as Networking face-to-face in terms of effort put in – you still have to be genuine, ask questions, tell people about what you do, follow them up if you want to do business, or start a friendship with them. The only difference is the pace that you can network, and the convenience you get i.e. check your messages in your own time, and do all of this from even the comfort of your own home!

Myth #2: If I put up my information and photo online, some online predator can get hold of it and use it against me.

This is one myth I REALLY hate.

Firstly, why would someone want to stalk YOU? Secondly, putting up your photo online for the world to see is the same as you walking down the street. You don’t cover your face when you go down to the shops, so that just in case some bandit doesn’t try stalk you or take your photo and steal your identity, right? Thirdly, obviously DON’T put your full home address, phone numbers, bank account numbers, or the password to your home security system online. Having an online presence is literally no different to having a presence in real life – at any point, someone can always take a photo of you walking down the street, stalk you when you’re walking home (which is more scary than the internet where you have a choice to not write your home address into your profile), or steal your credit card with your wallet.

Myth #3:  If people are on Social Networking sites, they’re not serious business people, and there’s no point doing business with them.

Not true. Many business people have only become socially active online because they realized the effectiveness of creating bonds online. Even people like Richard Branson and Donald Trump use the internet to post blogs, videos, updates and comments for people to read, watch and listen. This is the way they can get more personal, and create more bonds between them and people watching them without actually meeting people in real life. So business people in general are very serious about business.

Tune in next week for more Social Networking Myths Busted!
Do you have a questions about Social Myths you want to see busted on here?!
E-mail me!

Eva-Maria <3