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Valentines Day: Why Celebrate It?

3370 rose is a rose feature

By Denise Corlett.
Find more articles by Denise here.

Yes here it comes, Valentine’s Day again.  That modern day tradition of giving to your special one has made its way into the New Zealand landscape.  Although the origins began centuries ago, it has become more commercial and talked about over the last few decades.   

Didn’t do it in our day so why should I start recognising it now you might say!  Well, there are some real benefits to celebrating this day, not only for your special someone but also for you whether you’re single, you’ve just started dating or are happily married.

Happily married or partnered for years

Okay so you haven’t celebrated Valentines Day in the past and you’ve been together for years.  Is your partner special to you?  Would a small gesture of your appreciation or love make the other person feel good?  More than likely!  So even if you are not necessarily inclined to celebrate Valentine’s, marking the occasion in your way is more likely to make your partner feel special.  It could be as simple as making a special meal for your spouse, to offering flowers carefully picked from the garden with a simple kiss and kind words of appreciation and love for the years you have spent together.  Red roses and chocolates are all time favourites, but feel free to spice it up with a range of other options available these days.

Just started dating

So you’ve been on a few dates and you do like this person.  What do you do?  Do you risk giving something or not?  If you are of the male persuasion I would suggest you do.  If you ignore doing something, even in the early stages she can interpret this as you’re just not that interested in her.  Some women could become more distant.  Make a gesture, even if its early days and it’s a small gesture, and she’ll do one of two things.  She’ll either appreciate it and it’s likely to bring you closer together.  Or she’ll not appreciate it, because she’s either not ready for that kind of relationship or not as interested in you.  Either way, you get to know earlier rather than later where she’s at.  Then you get to choose whether it’s worth your while pursuing the relationship.


The obvious question here is, why celebrate Valentines Day when there is no one special in your life.  Well there might not be anyone special just now but there could be.  So for now, why not celebrate and pamper yourself in an act of kindness and love.  Buy yourself a bunch of flowers, write yourself a card with all the great things about you, go out for an enjoyable evening, blob at home with all your favourite entertainment and food, or get out with a bunch of single friends and have fun.   Alternatively, if there is a special “singles” event in your area or if there are social, interest and networking activities where you can meet suitable partners go along and enjoy it.   But whatever you do, in some way, celebrate that you are special.  Just because no one is there now, doesn’t mean that you still aren’t special!

For more personalised assistance with online dating contact Denise on 09 521 7449 or on