GrownUps New Zealand

Natural allergy treatments – free yourself from antihistamine

Spring is here! The cold, dark days of winter are finally giving way to warmer weather, blossoming flowers and the promise of sun-filled days. But for many of us, spring also has a thorny side – itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, runny noses and unrelenting sinus pain.

While antihistamines definitely serve a purpose, they can only deal with the “after effects” of allergies (symptoms). They do not get to the root of the problem, which, as in most cases of illness, is an impaired immune system.

The human body is a wonderful thing. It is an intricate system of checks and balances innately designed to heal itself. But in order for this to happen, it has to be in optimal working condition. Our immune system is like the guard at the gate. It works to stop any foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria from entering. When your immune system becomes weakened or overloaded, however, in the case of allergies, it begins to “overreact” causing a release of chemical proteins called histamines that trigger symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes and sneezing. Thus, the key to avoiding allergic reactions is to maintain a healthy immune system.

Here are several ways to naturally boost your immunity:


Diet is always a good place to start. Many foods are now specifically linked to hay fever. Milk, wheat, nuts, chocolate, cola drinks, and sulphites (a fruit preservative widely used in dried fruits and wine) are especially bad. As a rule, it is always good to stay away from any refined sugars and grains, as they are essentially toxic to your body. Apart from the daily toll they take on your immune system, studies repeatedly show they can lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes just to name a few. By simply eliminating these foods you will take a huge load off your immune system.

Supplements and herbs

There are also various supplements and herbs you can take to both support your immune system and relieve uncomfortable symptoms.