GrownUps New Zealand

Snoring – The Midnight Menace

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We all snore sometimes. Whether it is a quick catch as we fall asleep or a full nocturnal chainsaw impression, snoring is a natural phenomenon. The extent to which you snore can signal underlying health problems or cause long tem friction between you and your loved one.

Snoring will affect the quality of your sleep. If you snore regularly and significantly, chances are it will cause problems with your partner, as well as reducing your natural immunity. Lack of quality sleep is a factor in immunity.

Men have naturally narrower respiratory passages then women, predisposing them to snoring more regularly. Age will also play a part. However, before you resign yourself to a life of noisy sleep, there are things you can do to quieten down the night-time.

If you have a cold, or ailment that affects your sinuses or nasal passages, you may experience short term snoring. This will most likely correct itself once the illness is finished.

However, if you are overweight or unfit, you will snore more. So you will if you drink heavily, eat very rich evening meals or take certain medications. Sleeping on your back will also make you more likely to snore.

Talk it over with your partner

If you are having your sleep disturbed by a snorer, first remember that they are asleep – while snoring can be extremely irritating, it is not deliberate! Talk to your partner when they are awake and alert, rather than castigating them in the middle of the night.

Be positive and use a little humour – snoring may cause embarrassment, particularly if it is disturbing the person they love.

Make a plan together to reduce alcohol at night, eat lighter evening meals and ask your doctor about any medications the snorer in your family is taking.

Plan to get more exercise, together. Exercise has many benefits as well as increasing your respiratory capacity – you will spend good quality time together, manage your weight better, reduce stress and improve your quality of sleep.

Check your sleep position

Try sleeping on your side to avoid snoring. It may be time to update your pillows – elevating your head a few centimeters can change the position of your neck and throat and minimize snoring.

Seek professional advice if natural remedies don't make a difference.