GrownUps New Zealand

Recapture The Joy of Exercise

Keeping active and fit is such an important part of maintaining good health. So, understandably, people get quite concerned when they can’t carry on with their normal exercise routine.

Something that holds many women back from exercise is light bladder leakage, or LBL. The thought of a little leakage being noticed is enough to put women off their normal activities. If you’re still relatively young and active, it’s easy to think you’re the only one suffering from LBL. But the fact is, one in three women over 35 experience a slight, occasional loss of bladder control. Fortunately, the condition is treatable and there are also steps you can take yourself to get it under control.

LBL risk factors:
Overweight – the extra weight puts additional pressure on the bladder.
Smoking – a chronic cough can put pressure on the bladder.
Excessive alcohol consumption – the muscles around the bladder relax.
Pregnancy child-birth and menopause – pelvic floor exercises can help.

Correct diagnosis can be difficult and treatment depends on the type of incontinence someone is having. Therefore, it’s best to be assessed by a gynecologist or urologist with experience in female incontinence.

LBL is a common problem and there’s no reason you can’t carry on exercising if you have the right protection. Many women with LBL improvise with sanitary pads. However, they aren’t as absorbent as purpose-designed pads, so they can’t always be relied upon.