One of the main causes of pain when working in an office is holding the same position for a lengthy period. It is known as static loading. Over time, this causes strain on the same parts of the body and can lead to fatigue in the tissues, often resulting in an injury.
Try to mix up standing and sitting and some exercise. Even fidgeting causes movement and can help relieve the strain. So many parts of our bodies are affected by each movement. Moving our backs helps to avoid back pain and keep the spinal fluid circulating – so important for avoiding early spinal degeneration which is common in sedentary workers.
There are plenty of exercises which you can do in your chair eg. chair push ups by putting your hands on the arms of the chair and pushing yourself up off the seat, lifting your legs up off the ground and holding them there for a few seconds or turning your head and shoulders sideways and looking back over your shoulder in each direction.
You can sit on a Swiss Ball instead of a chair or use an Aircycle exerciser – under the desk for circulation and lower body movement and on top of the desk to exercise and relax your shoulders, wrists and fingers. The Aircycle packs up to fit in your pocket to carry with you if you work at home in the evenings or to take on flights to help avoid ankle swelling and DVT.
It's also helpful for relieving the aches and pains which develop while sitting and for maintaining good blood flow to feet and legs.
So move while you sit and don't forget to laugh occasionally. That massages your internal organs and helps you relax.
Aircycles are available from pharmacies at around $30 or for sale online. More information visit their website or phone 04 569 5013.