GrownUps New Zealand

Natural headache relief

Pain is nature’s way of signalling that something is wrong – headaches are a common source of pain with many causes.

There are many over the counter medicines and pain relievers available, but there are also many natural alternatives, which can also be effective.

Remember to discuss regular headaches with your GP and what you are taking to treat them, even if it is a natural remedy.


One of the most common causes of headaches is dehydration. If you have spent a day being more active than usual, without increasing your fluid intake, you may well end up with a headache. When our body is dehydrating, we don’t always feel thirsty, and most often headaches is your body telling you to hydrate.

If the reason behind the headache is dehydration, then water, coconut water or herbal tea will ease your pain. Take a good long drink initially and then small sips frequently. Headaches can also occur during a sugar or caffeine ‘crash’ (after having a lot of either) – again, hydrating can offer good relief.

Healing Touch

Stress is often a factor in headaches. Take a break from electronics and do some light massage. Instinctively, we tend to touch the source of pain – use the pads of your fingers and massage in small circles around your temples, scalp, neck and even ear lobes. Massage will increase circulation and alleviate pain.

Gently massaging the bridge of your nose can help relieve sinus and migraine headaches or, try a gentle
massage of the soft part of your hand in between your index finger and thumb: the nerves in that spot allow your blood vessels in your forehead to constrict.

Touch from another can also be healing – ask a loved one to massage your head for you, it is very comforting.

Along with massage, heat in the form of a hot water bottle soak in a bath or hot shower can relieve the muscle tension that contributes to headaches. Heat will improve circulation, similarly to massage.

Sweet aromas

Essential oils for headache treatment include lavender, sweet marjoram, and chamomile. Use for neck massaging, in a bath, or to inhale. You may like to try mixing your own headache-busting massage oil: five drops of rosemary oil, five drops of nutmeg oil, and five drops of lavender oil in a carrier oil such as almond – assage on the neck and upper back area.


Ice is used to treat pain after all kinds of injuries. An icepack on the forehead or back of the neck will help remove the pain of a headache – apply for five to ten minutes. If you don’t have a malleable icepack, a good old bag of frozen peas will do the trick!


Sleep deprivation can make you feel very fuzzy or headachy. If you are low on sleep, make time for a quick nap – it does wonders to clear your head and relieve pain.


Lemon is very effective for treating headache pain. When you drink warm water mixed with some lemon juice, it can reduce the intensity of a headache. At the same time you may also drink a steaming cup of lemon tea three to four times a day when suffering from headache.


Almonds contain pain-relieving chemicals that may reduce your headache symptoms in as little as 10-15 minutes. A handful of almonds is always a handy natural substitute for an over the counter remedy.


Peppermint has got calming and soothing properties that can help in the treatment of headaches. You can make herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of dried peppermint herb in a cup of hot boiling water. Cover and allow it to steep for ten minutes, then strain it and add some honey to sweeten it before sipping it slowly. You can also use peppermint oil to gently massage the temples, jaws and the back of your neck. In addition, inhaling the soothing aroma of peppermint steam can ease the symptoms associated with headache such as vomiting.