GrownUps New Zealand

(Man) Flu Season is Upon Us

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Men are strong. And brave. And fearless. Until they sneeze. Then, nine times out of 10, it's all over. They revert to man-children, needing extra care, love and patience, at least if the women who love them are to be believed. New Zealand women believe Man Flu is real and say their partners exhibit childlike behaviour when sick, including wanting to be tucked into bed and having their temperature taken, according to a new survey.

The Vicks VapoRub survey revealed that nearly three quarters of Kiwi women (72%) believe man flu is the term to describe the childlike behaviour men resort to when ill, with only 16% saying they don’t believe it exists!

Often the first sign they are feeling unwell is increased moaning and complaining, according to the ladies, followed by an increased need of attention.

A true flu is miserable. A head cold is no picnic either, but the flu will render even the strongest person hopeless. If you are feverish, lethargic, aching all over (even your eyelashes!) and really unable to do much but lie in bed for several days, it's probably a real flu. If so; rest, fluids and warmth, along with pain relief is the only course of action. 

A head cold feels overwhelming for a couple of days, but it doesn't turn into the 'just shoot me' feeling many flu sufferers experience. Sneezing, blocked sinuses and headaches are no fun, but you can keep going, provided you aren't infecting others.

Roughly 30% of our fellas do admit to having man flu and know that they are a bit demanding. 

When you are unwell, stick to foods that are easy to digest, and rest a lot. It is not the end of the world to miss a night at the gym. The energy expended is better put to use helping your body to heal. Try not to share cold and flu bugs either – remember to cough into your elbow, rather than your hand, keep tissues on hand and above all – it is best to take time off work and return once you are well, rather than spreading germs and being responsible for others taking time off too!