GrownUps New Zealand

Keeping Those New Year’s Resolutions!

8620 Should Could Would Did

 Read more from Jan here

As we approach February reality sets in again for many New Zealanders. The summer holidays are over and life is back to normal, with all the inherent stresses and strains that we managed to forget about over the festive season. Having our big break at the beginning of the year gives us time to ponder our goals and dreams for the coming year. Most people make at least one resolution or goal for the year ahead.

So what is the secret to sticking to your resolution? Firstly remember that you are proposing a change in your life and that changes happen over a period of time and not in the blink of an eye. You may go back to old habits on more than one occasion. This is normal, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Put it behind you and get back on track.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you assess whether your goal is sustainable:

1. What is in it for you to achieve this goal? You may wish to get a piece of paper and write a list of pros and cons to clarify your answer.

2. What resources do you need to achieve this goal? Resources may be items such as running shoes, time for you, or money to pay for classes or memberships. Weight and Wellbeing are two of the most common areas where people set goals. There are ways to achieve these goals without huge outlays on gym memberships or special food from weight loss companies. If we are struggling financially to pay for what we are doing or burning the candle at both ends time wise, we will invariably give up on our goal. Take a really large piece of paper and brainstorm what suits your budget and lifestyle and supports your goal. Get creative!

3. What do you need to let go of to achieve this goal? Are you hanging on to old limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but something from the past is holding you back? You are not your past! Get to the bottom of what’s stopping you and challenge it. Maybe it was something someone said in your childhood. Was this person an expert, or an unhappy person who felt better by putting other people down? Reclaim your own power!

4. Who’s on your support crew? Who wants you to succeed? Talk to them about your goal and enlist their practical and/or moral support.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take that step, even if it’s a baby step. Be patient with yourself, even when it seems you’re taking one step forward and two steps back.

For more ideas on how to make this the best year of your life visit my website – www.coachoptimum.comto download my free e book.