GrownUps New Zealand

Hearing Loss and Exhaustion

11234 hearing loss

Hearing loss can be gradual and exhausting. Instead of being able to be involved with normal life and discussions, the strain to listen closely and fill in the blanks takes its toll on energy levels and cognitive ability. 

Hearing often deteriorates naturally with age and you have to turn the tv up a bit louder or ask people to repeat themselves several times to keep up with conversation. This requirs extra effort and has the cumulative effect of leaving you feeling unnecessarily exhausted. Anyone who has learned another language knows how hard it can be to keep up with all the new words when they start out – but losing your hearing means you experience th same feeling, in your own language. 

The longer hearing loss goes untreated, the more likely the sufferer is to simply begin to withdraw, which can lead to feelings of depression and isolation. Being in a group situation can make it even harder to hear, so they may beging to decline opportunities to interact where there may be large groups or additional noise.

Removing yourself from regular socail contact can also increase your chances of developing dementia. 

Wearing a hearing aid can still have a stigma attached for some people, far more so than wearing glasses. However, it is essentially the same thing – using technology to help improve one of our essential senses.

If you think your hearing may be fading; don't delay. Studies show that treating hearing loss can imporve confidence, motivation and actually allow people to feel up to seven years younger mentally. 

Hearing aid technology has evolved to the point that hearing aids are hard to detect and incredibly powerful. Don't let a small amount of pride allow a fixable problem to go untreated. See your GP or hearing specialist without delay and stay connected to the outside world!