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The Art of Sophrology

10129 Sophrology

Sophrology is a structured method created to produce optimal health and well-being. It originated in Europe and is widely practiced throughout France, Switzerland Spain and Germany.

Sophrology consists of a series of easy to do physical and mental exercises that, when practised regularly, lead to a healthy, relaxed body and a calm, alert mind. The exercises are called dynamic relaxation (relaxation in movement).


The first things people generally notice after practicing sophrology are: more restful sleep, improved concentration, fewer worries, increased self-confidence, and a feeling of inner happiness.


Founder Professor Caycedo was born in Columbia in 1932 and practiced medicine at the University of Madrid, before working in Switzerland.

Caycedo originally set out to find a way of healing depressed and traumatised clients by leading them to health and happiness with the least possible use of drugs and psychiatric treatments.

He journeyed extensively to study the Eastern philosophies of Yoga, Zen and Buddhism, each time viewing them within a western scientific framework. Each discipline, theory and philosophy was approached with the intention of discovering what, exactly, improved people's health, both physically and mentally, in the fastest possible time and with lasting results.

On his return Professor Caycedo designed a method of healing, creating a 12 level training programme from both eastern and western philosophies that took into account our modern way of life – with its speed, stress and problems. The training is divided into 3 cycles – the reduction cycle, the radical cycle and the existential cycle.

Professor Alfonso Caycedo named his method 'Sophrology' in 1960 and called it 'a training of the consciousness and the values of existence,' or 'Health & Happiness Training'.

Sophrology was initially firmly within the field of psychiatry. Sophrology assists each person to discover their self-confidence and hidden potential. Group classes bring improvements in communications and inter-personal relations. Students have a stronger resistance to stressful situations, whether mental or physical. Since they have many more choices of how to act and react, it is easier to break out of old habitual patterns into more successful ways of operating.

There are online tutorials and information about sophrology or search YouTube.