GrownUps New Zealand

A Little Less Of You To Love


Ask nearly anyone at the start of a new year what they hope to accomplish and weight loss is likely to be top of mind.  Christmas and holidays are synonymous with eating, drinking lying around – hardly a recipe for health and fitness.

Now that you’re back into routine, it’s time to make your health a priority, but there’s often no need for a drastic change – think of the tortoise and the hare.

Your body is probably happy where it is

The body hates change, even when it’s good for you. That is why gradual weight loss is always more successful long term than a crash diet. Your body will get used to operating with a kilo less weight every few weeks, rather than losing a whole lot at once. Rapid weight loss will often inspire intense feelings of hunger and fatigue and you’ll eat your way back to where you started in no time.

Enjoy the process

If you feel miserable whilst trying to lose weight, you will probably not be very successful. Food is supposed to be enjoyable and nourishing, not something to be feared and frustrated by. Make small achievable changes and be realistic. Try these small ways of making a big change in your health.

Double up

You cannot out-exercise a bad diet, nor can you out-diet a sedentary lifestyle. Eat a little less and move a little more and you will notice a difference. You will also have a much higher chance of success if you enlist the help of your spouse or friend and work together to make changes to your lifestyle and celebrate your achievements together.