GrownUps New Zealand

1 Simple Step To A Healthier Lifestyle

After oxygen, water is the single most important thing our bodies need. Given our bodies are made up of up to 70% water, replenishing this daily is a simple step we can all take to ensure we remain hydrated, giving our bodies the best possible chance of working effectively.

The benefits of good clean water don’t just stop with what you drink though. Your skin and hair both benefit from regular contact and absorption of water as well. There are multiple uses and benefits for water, too numerous to mention here. But one thing we can say is that you could get the biggest benefit if you have pure water throughout your home, for all uses, including washing your dishes and clothes, showering and drinking.

HRV, one of New Zealand’s leading experts in creating pure home environments, have a new technology now available, which filters ALL the water coming into your home. Easily installed outside your house by an HRV professional installer, their water filtration systems will remove up to 98% chlorine and reduce bacteria, sediment and other contaminants, leaving you with crystal clear, filtered water that tastes and feels pure and fresh – from every tap, hose (think of the garden!) and shower rose in your home.

Filtering your water is one of the easiest adjustments you can make towards a healthier home and lifestyle. But it’s not just better, purer water that you’ll receive. Having an HRV water filter system installed could add value to your home as well.

And HRV systems cost less than you might think. To make it fast and easy to find out whether a water filtration system is right for you, they’ve created an online quiz that can give you a customised solution and recommendation specific to your home and needs.

Alternatively they’re more than happy to visit you at your home for a free, no obligation home assessment where they can test your current water quality and advise on their most appropriate solution for you.

Of course, if you just want to talk to someone now, you’ll be pleased to know HRV still believe in customer service and have a great team of ‘Pure Home Invironment’ specialists who are always happy to talk and help. Call them on 0800 478 420.

HRV are New Zealand’s leading home environment specialists, with solutions for ventilation, dampness, condensation, heating, cooling, water and retrofit double glazing window technology. To explore all their services, and watch testimonials from their many satisfied customers, go to

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