GrownUps New Zealand

A Pillow for a Better Sleep?

10092 Tempur Symphony 2

I'm Richard Poole the Co-founder of GrownUps and I'd like to share an experience with you, of choosing great pillows.

Having had upper back, neck & headache issues going back many years as a result of poor posture, long hours at the computer, carrying children and at times (well, let me be honest, long times) without regular exercise, the result has not been pretty. As a family we have tested various pillows and these are our conclusions.

A physio who is number 'who-knows-what', in a long line of physio's that I've sought assistance from, suggested that my pillow might have a huge amount to do with things.

I took my pillow along to the physio and it was immediately clear that I was sleeping in an awkward position that was in part, causing my late afternoon migraines that were also with me most mornings on waking.

However, after several weeks of trying new pillows, I think I'm there!

The very good people at TEMPUR, kindly agreed to let me try two of their current models – the TEMPUR Original Pillow and the TEMPUR Symphony pillow.

The equally good people at the local Bed Post were very helpful. They brought up a really important point, which I hadn't taken into consideration when thinking about a pillow. The firmness of your bed naturally affects your head position on the pillow, once you're lying down.

Therefore, it really isn't as easy as just looking at a pillow and saying, 'that'll do'. There is quite a bit to it, as after all, we're all different shapes and sizes.

When you see how your back, spine and head, line up when you are in a sleeping position, you begin to see how these things can start affecting your day to day health.

Sleeping is not just a part time occupation, at the end of the day.

So… how have I found the pillows?

Ergonomic Support: TEMPUR Original Pillow

Upon first laying eyes on this pillow, you might think, 'how the heck will that be comfy', but it is.

As time goes on, it just feels right, but it does take a week to get used to. Don't give up after a night's sleep…and in all honesty, you may not get a great night's sleep from the TEMPUR Original Pillow for the first night…and it may even take up to a week to get completely used to its shape, the way it moulds around your neck and how you literally sink into it, but not too far.

What I found, when you do have theright pillow, is that you miss it when you're separated from it! (Handy hint – why not take it on holiday with you if you can).

Over time, even if at first you feel that only sleeping on your side feels natural, sleeping on your back will also begin to feel natural. Personally, my own neck and back pain had become quite severe, to the point of it waking me up and certainly causing me to wake every morning with a headache. Not a great place to be.

Ergonomic Support: TEMPUR Symphony Pillow

The second pillow that I tried, the TEMPUR Symphony Pillow, is another slightly different looking pillow. It is extremely comfortable and even provides options. Each side of the pillow offers a different approach at keeping your spine and head as straight as possible.

This pillow takes a lot less getting used to and therefore, you'll have a good idea if it suits you after the first night's sleep. (Remember most people will not have the opportunity take a pillow home to try, so you do want to get it right).
Pillow too low or soft?

What has become evident is that if you suffer from some neck pain, then your pillow can either assist or of course, exacerbate your situation. If the pillow is too soft, then your head will 'drop' and hence literally cause your neck to constrict on that side, causing stiffness during the day.

Pillow Too High or Firm?

On the other hand, a pillow that is a little too high for you, can cause your neck to 'bend' upwards.

If, like me, after years of literally doing the wrong thing, you need to virtually retrain your neck muscles and all those bits, bobs and bones that actually hold up that 8kg mass called your head, then a pillow that is too high, might cause issue.

For me, the TEMPUR Symphony Pillow has got it about right. As I retrain myself, I would possibly move back to the Original, however for now, it's all about aiming for a great night's sleep, pain free morning and ideally a pain free rest of the day.

It has also made me consider the bed and whether it's time for a new one. Whilst it may not be a cheap exercise, you have to ask yourself, how important is it to be pain free? Well, we often seem to waste money on things that ultimately aren't really that important in the scheme of things but yet when you break it down to hours spent, impact on your life and wanting to wake up and leap out of bed to make the most of each day, then I think an investment of several hundred dollars on a top quality pillow that lasts the distance, is a sensible decision.

If you looked at a cost per sleep, it makes good sense.

Therefore I recommend that you visit your local Bed Post, ask the friendly staff to show you a few TEMPUR pillows, in fact try them all – there are 7 options. While you are considering make certain that you take a look at the TEMPUR beds and mattresses. Lie all over the beds there and whilst you're there, can I recommend that you ask your friend or other half, whoever has accompanied you or the staff to take a picture on your phone of you from the back view, in a sleeping position.

You might just be amazed. I certainly was. Good luck and here's to being pain free.