GrownUps New Zealand

Heavy Legs?

10120 Heavy legs

Have your legs every felt to heavy to walk around? Do you ever get into bed and have fidgety feet or restless legs? It can be a very frustrating feeling, one that makes it hard to sleep, exercise and go about your daily life.

Your legs may feel this way for a number of reasons. You may be very tired or overweight. You may have eaten a rich or heavy meal close to bedtime. You may have complication from conditions such as diabetes or be experiencing menopause. Varicose veins also create that heavy legged feeling.

Whatever the cause, it is a condition that can usually be helped and it is a good idea to take the time to find out why, in case it is an indicator of an undetected condition.

General well-being is achieved through balance – a good healthy diet, a regular routine, good sleep, exercise and a positive outlook.

Restless or heavy legs may mean that something in your system is out of balance, so seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist in the first instance.

Look at Your Lifestyle

When you experience heavy or restless legs, be aware of what you have done and eaten recently. If you have had one (or two) too many glasses of wine, or a sugary rich dessert and find that you can't sleep, it may be that you need to eat earlier, drink a little less or take a walk after dinner to burn off some of the energy you have taken in.

You may be low in vitamins, minerals or hormones. Be careful not to self-diagnose, because even herbal and homeopathic remedies can have side effects or affect the way you absorb traditional medication. However, a blood test or physical examination may answer all your questions and mean that your restless or heavy leg symptoms can be easily rectified.

Walking or swimming is a wonderful way to burn off energy and create a feeling of wellbeing. If you like rich food, try and eat it earlier in the day than in the evening and keep the alcohol to moderate levels.

A little bit of moderation may give you a huge payoff in personal comfort!