GrownUps New Zealand

Diabetes – New Zealand’s Silent Epidemic

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Diabetes is emerging fast as the biggest health catastrophe the world has ever seen. It will overwhelm healthcare resources everywhere and will jeopardise the health and lives of over half a million New Zealanders within the next decade.   

A leading cause of death, poorly managed diabetes is the major cause of heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure and blindness. It is the largest contributor to foot and leg amputations and causes impotence. Over 165,000 New Zealanders already have diagnosed diabetes but at least as many again have it without knowing it.     

According to the WHO, Diabetes is going to reduce life expectancy for the first time in 200 years. Despite these alarming figures, little concerted effort has been put into tackling the issue that will affect more New Zealanders than any other. The cost of diabetes to New Zealand’s Health Budget will soar from 4% in 2000 to 14% by 2020. That’s more than one billion dollars extra every year.

However, a large proportion of diabetes care and prevention is self-care.   Through knowledge of one’s own condition, people can change behaviour patterns and empower themselves to make the lifestyle decisions that go such a long way to avoiding the life-threatening complications that can follow in diabetes’ wake.

What is Diabetes?

Now in its 50th year, Diabetes NZ Auckland is the local society for the greater Auckland region. To find the Diabetes Society nearest to you, look in your telephone book under “Diabetes” or click here. Membership of Diabetes NZ Auckland is just $20 a year.

Phone Diabetes NZ Auckland on 09 623 2508 for information on courses or visit their website to see the full range of services they offer.