GrownUps New Zealand

Some Classic Symptoms of Arthritis

1910 pain joints feature

Article by Bob Alter.

Your knee is killing you and someone mentioned the "A" word. You're now researching on the internet "arthritis symptoms". Arthritis symptoms can be hard to detect because we normally don't listen to our bodies. Other people say "I think I'm starting to get arthritis, my knees are killing me after a long day at work".

The most common arthritis symptoms are persistent pains in one or more joints. Most people will overlook these arthritis symptoms and just tell themselves it's overuse. Other folks will head straight to the doctors office to find out for sure.

What Category Do You Belong To?

Education is a key ingredient in helping you determine if you indeed have arthritis or simply arthritis symptoms. Below are the most common arthritis symptoms and later we will briefly explain each one in great detail.

Please remember, arthritis symptoms are usually associated with a joint. Don't get it confused with muscles that surround the joint. A great example of this would be your back. Oftentimes the muscles that run top to bottom are the ones that cause the pain, not the vertebrae.

Six Most Common Arthritis Symptoms:

I sincerely hope these six arthritis symptoms are not a part of you. If they are, don't panic because there is a ton of help. I personally believe in healing yourself from the inside out, which includes three solid meals containing a lot of vegetables and fruits, lots of liquid and supplementation. Water will also make your kidneys very happy and hopefully you've never had kidney stones, they hurt.

Best wishes for a pain free week!