GrownUps New Zealand

Back Pain – Rest or Keep Moving?

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If we had back pain 20 years ago the advice would have been to go to bed and rest. But research over the years has shown that rest and inactivity only make things worse.

When we have back pain we probably want to stay in bed because it is more comfortable to do so. But not moving around often results in greater difficulty in moving and is likely to prolong the pain. It is far better to stay active. Whilst none of us like using drugs, sometimes a pain killer for a short time will enable us to get moving and continue our normal activities – the best thing to help in the long term.

Staying active means continuing your usual day to day activities even though uncomfortable at first. Avoiding becoming sedentary is most important so going out of your way to be active is a wise move – perhaps walking to the shops instead of taking the car, gardening or making it your job to walk the dog.

Choosing an activity which you enjoy is important because if you don't enjoy it, chances are you won’t do it. Walking, running, cycling, dancing, swimming, aquarobics, yoga and pilates are all options. There is no quick fix for back pain so you need to stick at it.  

Whilst there are many options and many different types of indoor exercise equipment available to help you, one easy way is to use the Aircycle exerciser while you are enjoying a cup of tea, reading, chatting on the phone, watching TV, sitting in the office or even while out in the car. It is so convenient and easy to use anywhere.

The Aircycle exercises enable you to gently move your lower back while you sit. Also, by moving your feet, your core muscles which help to support the back, are moving. Many people have reported success in relieving lower back and sciatic nerve pain with these simple exercises.

As well as moving the lower back, both feet and hands can be exercised with the Aircycle, helping to improve a range of other conditions. Circulation in feet and legs may be improved, joint flexibility increased, swollen ankles and night cramps relieved and often balance and mobility become easier. Just keeping this little exerciser beside a comfortable chair and using it while doing other things, several times a day for short periods, often brings results amazingly quickly. It’s so easy, relaxing and even enjoyable.

An email from Age Concern Kaitaia reads, "One of our members picked up his Aircycle on Friday, then came in yesterday morning very excited. He'd only been using his Aircycle over the weekend and despite being a regular gym-bunny, it was the first time in a number of years that he’d woken up without lower back pain. He was absolutely pleased as punch that he was able to walk normally".

However, remember that back pain has many and varied causes. Never neglect seeking medical advice.

The Aircycle costs just $30 and is available from pharmacies, for sale online or by posting a cheque for $35 (includes P&P) to:
Aircycle, PO Box 45 105, Waterloo, Lower Hutt.
Phone 04 569 5013