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Your key to slowing the aging process? Cycling!

Have you heard? New research has shown that older adults who cycle can actually slow down the aging process and boost their body’s immunity. As you’ve gotten older, you may have noticed some of the natural parts of the ageing process taking place, like:

Even your brain gets smaller as you age. That doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to slow or even reverse the ageing process though.

Through muscle biopsies of highly active men and women between the ages of 55 and 79, researchers at King’s College in London found that compared to their sedentary counterparts, active older adults who cycled maintained more muscle mass and strength. Additional studies has revealed that older adults who cycle regularly are also more likely to produce immune-boosting white blood cells at rates comparable to young adults, and that regular physical fitness with cycling can also protect the body against cell deterioration.

Benefits of Cycling for Older Adults

Not only does cycling play a key role in fighting ageing, but it is one of the best fitness activities you can do to benefit your overall health.

Benefits of cycling for older adults include:

Tips for Getting Started

While it might be easy to hop on a bike and get right back into the groove of riding like you did when you were a kid, there are some precautions you want to take as an older adult to prevent injury and stay safe.

And of course, prior to launching into a new fitness regimen, always discuss your plans with your doctor. Their insights and encouragement can be very helpful!