GrownUps New Zealand

Core training exercises for stability: Part 1

Core stability refers to a person’s ability to stabilize their core. The core muscles include; Transverse abdominus, multifidius, and pelvic floor. Lack of strength in the deep core musculature creates a decrease in power, a loss of technique, and the possibility of injury.

Our core is the base that we work from, with the intent of creating movement and power around a stable object. The problem is that the spine doesn’t stabilize itself – it takes effort especially under movement, which is more difficult to control when speed and power is required.

Luckily, you don’t need any fancy equipment to improve your core. Here are some simple exercises which you can perform in the comfort of your own home:


Reverse Curls/Crunches



Bicycle Curls/Crunches


Hip Curls