GrownUps New Zealand

Why give your adult children money?

When children leave home, get jobs and have children of their own, many parents breathe a sigh of relief – they can stop spending on the kids and start looking at the kinds of things they would like to spend money on. Learning to manage money is a crucial life skill and there is nothing like ‘going it alone’ to fast track the lessons.

However, when you see your children working really hard, there are some things a parent may choose to do, to help out financially. Please note, this is a choice, and older parents should never be compelled to support their children financially. It should be a gesture that makes you feel good, rather than under pressure.

Life is incredibly expensive nowadays. Granted, younger people don’t often go without, but then life is different. Can you imagine life without a mobile phone or internet connection? Rents and mortgages are astronomical compared to most incomes (particularly in cities) and costs like travel and childcare can really eat into an income. Study now costs an enormous amount more than it did ‘in our day’ as well.

Offering practical day to day help is often more useful than keeping it for an inheritance. Ensure that any help given is divided fairly among children, to prevent family disharmony. Again, any help you give should be within your means and not coerced, but from an ice cream to a leg-up with a loan, it is the nature of parents to try and help their kids where possible!