GrownUps New Zealand


Superannuant Mark seems surprised to be asked why he’s chosen to support children living in poverty. To him, giving a new generation a fair chance is an obvious step for someone who has earned a stable retirement.

Mark says he started life modestly. He reckons that was normal for his generation.

“Sure, some people had it a bit easier, and others had it tougher, but there wasn’t the disparity that there is today.” He started out in the navy with equipment skills he’d picked up in a rock band. Next, he moved to the communications industry just as colour televisions were rocketing into the mainstream. Soon, Mark found his forte building business and struck out on his own.

“I’m so grateful I found my thing,” he says. Mark considers himself lucky to discover a livelihood that combined his passion and talent. Still, it wasn’t easy. He says that running your own business is much more difficult than many expect. He looks down when he thinks of this and says, “It’s hard… so, so hard.” Mark’s response to overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurships was to volunteer for Business Mentors. There he could help to make it easier for others. Donating through Spend My Super is another way he offers a hand up to those who need it.

“I look at my grandkids, and it strikes me that they have the world at their feet.” Mark is immensely proud of his two daughters and their families. His two girls have earned degrees and worked hard to move up through their careers. They’ve set up stable family lives, even though “they’ll never be rich”. Now, their children will thrive with the comfort and love that surrounds them. They’ll be encouraged to carve out their own path in the world and aim high. Their families can afford them time and give them confidence that the world is theirs to conquer.

Mark knows that some kids in New Zealand have a very different start to life – one of financial poverty and bitter deprivation. He’s given to charities like KidsCan before but discovering Spend My Super has made it easy to make the difference he wants to.

“It was exactly what I needed. I heard a discussion on Radio New Zealand about how Spend My Super, and how it does the due diligence on behalf of donors.” Mark is keenly aware that New Zealand has a vast number of charities. It can be complicated to find out which ones are best to support.

Mark is also impressed that Spend My Super is privately funded to ensure every single dollar goes directly to the charities – no donor money gets used for Spend My Super’s own costs.

Mark has split his donations through a few of Spend My Super’s charities. He’ll stay loyal to some he knows, and he’s also found some new ones. The charities helping children of prisoners and others supporting education appeal to Mark. He’s excited to see updates of their great work.

Asked if he has any other thoughts about donating his pension to children living in poverty, Mark says, “I should have done it years ago!”

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