GrownUps New Zealand

Happiness in Colour

It’s funny how many adults sit down with children and encourage them to colour in, only to become engrossed in it themselves (and sometimes risk taking over!). Doodling and beautifying a piece of paper with chalk, felts, pencils, paint or pastels is relaxing and satisfying – and encouraged by professionals as a way to de-stress.

It’s also a constructive way to spend a few minutes (or hours, depending on how involved you get!) and keep away from flickering screens.

Art therapy has been around since the 1940’s for both adults and children as a way of breaking down barriers and expressing emotions. Grief counsellors recommend colouring as a way to relax the mind, and addiction specialists see it as a constructive way of taking one’s mind off cravings.

You don’t have to be anxious, depressed or otherwise distressed to enjoy colouring. It is simply a straightforward, enjoyable activity, and can be appreciated as such. It is inexpensive and easily transportable. Best of all, there are no expectations and few directions. However your picture turns out, is just perfect.

Adult colouring books are gaining in popularity daily. As part of GrownUps’ commitment to keeping you informed and entertained, we have added colouring in pages here for you to print and decorate when you have a few minutes spare. Your children and grandchildren will likely happily you for a bit of relaxing fun.

You are welcome to share your colouring questions, tips and experiences on the GrownUps discussion boards too – happy colouring!