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Frequent UTIs? Learn how to prevent them naturally

Suffering from frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) is uncomfortable and can interfere with your quality of life. Women are more likely to suffer from frequent UTIs than men and most cases are caused by bacteria. There are two things which cause UTIs – having outside bacteria getting pushed into the urethra, or when bacteria already in the bladder multiply to unhealthy levels.

What does a UTI feel like?

UTIs create a frequent or intense urge to urinate, even though little comes out when you do. Infections also cause a burning sensation when you urinate, pressure in the back or lower abdomen and cloudy or strange-smelling urine. You may also feel pressure above your pubic bone or in the rectum. The infection can move up the urinary tract into the bladder or even into the kidneys which can cause a lot of pain, nausea and fever. Flushing out bacteria from the bladder is the best way to keep infection at bay. If you get frequent UTIs, there are a range of natural ways to help prevent them.

Keeping frequent UTIs at bay the natural way

There are many tips available which proclaim to prevent UTIs naturally, some good and others, well you might want to avoid trying them.  Of course, if you suspect you have a UTI, see your doctor immediately and follow their advice.

There are many ways to prevent frequent UTIs naturally. If you drink plenty of fluids and stick to foods that promote good bacteria, your body will put up a good defence to fight off pesky UTIs.