GrownUps New Zealand

Travel Guides

11482 travel guide

For some, the concept of a travel guide takes a bit of getting your head around – isn’t the idea of travel to make discoveries on your own? Isn’t the element of surprise half the fun?

The answer is that it depends on where in the world you are going and what you hope to get out of your trip.

Travel is the ultimate learning experience, but even the most learned traveller needs a hand sometimes.

In places where travel can prove complicated (significant language barriers, civil unrest or serious cultural differences), a guide is a very wise investment. Ironically, you may get to see more of the ‘real’ country with a guide, as they know all the local spots.

When choosing a guide, research carefully. Travellers who use guides regularly offer this advice, “do lots and lots of research on your guide and their company. Once you arrive at your destination, let them do their job, but before you leave, be very specific about what you want to see and do. You are the guide until you arrive.”

If you don’t do your homework and set out clear boundaries, you leave yourself exposed and may just be shown around generic spots. Most guides will have certain shops or restaurants that them pay a commission on every tourist they bring in. This may not be in your best interests. If you don’t want to spend countless hours in bazaars and cafes, say so clearly. If you are interested in something (like antiquities for example), make that clear before you go, so they can seek out interesting spots. Send all your requirements in writing to keep the lines of communication clear.

In some countries, independent (non-guided) travellers may have less access to certain locations, or you may have to wait for long periods to be admitted to attractions. If you only have a few days in a new country, waiting in line for hours can seem like a serious waste of time.

Once you arrive, listen to your guide’s advice. If they say that something is not safe, take heed. If they point out something that you may be doing unwittingly to cause offence to the locals, make adjustments to your clothing or behaviour. Not all countries are as relaxed and liberal as New Zealand, but they are all fascinating to visit.

Guides are not only for planning and transport – they are a mine of useful information and history – make the most of the ability to learn from a local.

When you are travelling to unusual places, discuss any specific needs you may have with your travel guide – they should enrich your experience measurably.