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Keeping Sun Smart When on Holiday

Staying safe when in the sun is so important, yet it is often an overlooked aspect of a sunny day. Whether you`re in your own back garden or lying on an exotic beach, it`s vital to pay attention to your skin. Nobody wants to experience premature skin aging, sunstroke or skin cancer, so make sure you do everything you can to protect yourself in the heat.

Everyone needs a small amount of sun exposure, for the production of vitamin D in the body; however, the key word here is `small`. About 15- 20 minutes in the sun is usually sufficient for the absorption of enough sunlight to produce this vitamin. Anymore than this amount of exposure can be dangerous. People of lighter coloured skin will not be able to withstand the same amount of sun as those with darker skin, however, every type of skin will need SPF protection, for both UVA and UVB rays.

In terms of preventing sunstroke when out in very hot temperatures, there are a few simple things to remember. Avoid any energetic activities during the hottest part of the day, which is usually from about 12pm until 4pm, depending on the location. Too much walking or running during high temperatures can lead to a severe loss of fluids. Avoid alcohol during this time as well, as this can lead to further dehydration. Drink plenty of water and stay in the shade if possible. Rehydration sachets, which contain salts, can be useful too.

Simple things, like wearing a wide brimmed hat, along with a pair of sunglasses, which will shade your face, can help if the heat is getting to be too much. Loose fitting, light coloured clothes which are made from non-synthetic materials are usually best, as they allow your skin to breath. Light coloured clothes will reflect the light, whereas darker colours, such as black will absorb heat.

If you decide to go swimming, wear water resistant sunscreen and remember to reapply frequently after being in the water. If you find yourself sweating a lot during exercise, then re-application of sunscreen may be a good idea too. Remember than there is no such thing as a healthy tan; if you`re skin darkens in the sun, this is a sign of sun damage which can cause premature aging and skin cancer.

Tan the `safe` way by using fake tan instead; this will give you a healthy glow without causing wrinkles or anything more dangerous. There are often special offers online for spray tans and at home fake tanning sets; Groupon deals frequently have such services and products on offer, so if you`re considering this route, take a look around the internet for online discounts.