GrownUps New Zealand

Tips to Create the Perfect Photo Album

On your last family holiday, you captured the smiles, that romantic gondola ride, and the new friends you met along the way. But all these recollections are now hidden under hundreds of photos taken since, or worse, festering away on a memory card, in that drawer you hardly ever open.  Bring your memories back to life with a satisfying photo album an arm’s length away that you can pull out on those quiet days at home. Or even better, have on your coffee table, ready to share with friends and family.

We know the task seems overwhelming, so we are here to help you get it done. Read on for tips and learn how we don’t just create exceptional holidays, but also help you preserve treasured memories and experiences. 

@ Photo by Plann on Unsplash

Manage Your Photos 

Before now all your photos are on your phone, computer, or you already had them printed out, start going through them and store your favourites in a separate folder. This shouldn’t take long and should be enjoyable – a first chance to relive those fond memories. 

Select Your Photo Album Style 

The opportunities are limitless, so let us help you figure out how to proceed: 

Are you more of a “the faster I do this, the better? If so, finding a website to create your album might be your most straightforward and effective option. They also allow you to pick from ready-made themes that are easy to fill. 

Or perhaps, are you the type of person who collects museum ticket stubs, maps. postcards or random souvenirs?  If so, scrapbooking might be calling for you. Your next step is to get those best-loved pictures printed and delivered to your home. 

INSPIRED? Checkout GrownUps Holidays and ask about Insight Vacations

@Photo by Sarandy Westfall on Unsplash

Pick a Theme

Whichever way you decide to make your album, you can also think of a theme. Your family reunion trip on Insight Vacations’ Best of California might be more fun in a colourful or lively layout. However, you might have travelled on Insight Vacations’ America’s Magnificent National Parks visiting Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. In that case, you might prefer a more somber, simple theme that highlights your photos. 

The options are countless but don’t overthink it. What comes first comes to mind when you think of that trip? 

Tell Your Story 

You have your photos and your album, now is the time to think about how you want to display them. Chronologically might be the easiest and most obvious choice, but you can and works well if you explored a country in-depth, like on the Insight Vacations Britain and Ireland Discovery, but you can also have more choice. Or if you hopped around the main Italian cities, you might just organise your album around key moments in each town, regardless of the itinerary. 

@Photo by Rirri on Unsplash

Presenting Your Photos 

There is no right or wrong, but don’t be shy. When trying to get a group picture, include the different takes, with the “best” one emphasized in bigger size. Those missed takes often also have the most candid smiles and are just as important part of building that memory. And on the next page, don’t be shy about devoting an entire page to that beautiful shot of you and your partner atop Geiranger Fjord on Insight Vacations Grand Scandinavia journey you took for your anniversary.  And lastly, change it up from page to page to keep it fun and engaging.

INSPIRED? Checkout GrownUps Holidays and ask about Insight Vacations

 Incorporate Captions 

You told your story with your pictures, but remember, you can also add text. A date, the name of a place, or even a little story, will help secure that memory for years to come.  

Keep Your Album In Sight 

Finally, keep your albums visible, on a bookshelf, or as a coffee table book. And don’t be shy about sharing it with family, so you can enjoy those memories repeatedly. 

Article in partnership with Insight Vacations.