GrownUps New Zealand

Volunteering Is Good For You!

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Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has".

Our world benefits from all of the good works that volunteers do. Did you ever stop to realize however, some of the benefits volunteering brings to you, yourself, also?

Here is a list of my top 10 reasons why volunteering is a great thing to do for yourself:

1. Volunteering builds self-confidence.

2. Volunteering helps you learn new skills.

3. Volunteering helps you meet new people and make new friends.

4. Volunteering with your friends and family members helps to build stronger bonds and relationships with the people
that you care about.

5. Volunteering keeps you healthy and helps to maintain positive mental health.

6. Volunteering helps you learn more about important social issues in your community.

7. Volunteering helps you to develop a great understanding and appreciation about diversity and other cultures.

8. Volunteering helps you share a lifetime of experience.

9. Volunteering helps build a common bond with others in our community. (Instead of discussing the football game, or the weather, with someone new who you meet, trying telling them about the volunteer projects that you do.

10. Volunteering with our children helps to teach them important values.

So the next time you step out the door to get involved in a project in your community remember, volunteering is not
just great for our communities. It is a great activity that keeps you happy and healthy too!

Courtesy of Devorah Vineburg