GrownUps New Zealand

The Everest of Spring Cleaning

11086 wardrobe

Nearly all of us get sentimental about clothing, and are guilty of adding to our wardrobe at a much faster rate than we take stock of what’s in there. It is time to tackle the Everest of cleanouts – the wardrobe.

Has your style changed?

If you’ve lost (or gained!) a few pounds, changed decades or jobs, chances are there will be items in your wardrobe that are unlikely to see the light of day any time soon. Even if you still love them, be honest – when will you ever wear them? Remember the two year rule; if it hasn’t been worn in that long, it is time to say goodbye.

Recycle creatively. Enlist the help of friends and organise a clothes swap – it’s a great way to clean out your closet, catch up with friends and ensure that gorgeous pieces of clothing continue to be worn.

Once you have let your nearest and dearests have a look through, any excess can be sold online, at second hand shops, donated to charity or the local school fair. 

The upside to clearing out your wardrobe is twofold; you have more space, and you can actually decide on the pieces that you do need, rather than duplicating items (how many black tops does anyone really need?). If there are any holes; happy day – it's shopping time!


If your budget won’t stretch to a whole new wardrobe system, make sure that your hangers are at least in good condition, and better still, match. Hang clothes according to style (jackets, shirts etc), or according to colour, depending on your preference. It will look more ordered and be easier to find things in a hurry.

Take the opportunity to mend, iron, or dryclean your clothing as necessary, so that every item in your wardrobe is ready to wear.