GrownUps New Zealand

Spring Clean Your Bathroom Cupboard

Bathroom cupboards can be bottomless pits for old bits and pieces, not all of which need to be kept.

As it is officially spring, and therefore the ideal time to spring clean, why not turn your attention on your bathroom cupboard next time you feel like a project?

Beauty products have an expiration date. Check them to make sure they still look and smell ok. If you are a bit of a hoarder (hotel shampoo collections, old toothbrushes, half used tubes of moisturiser etc), be ruthless. If you haven’t used it this year, throw it away or donate it to someone who will. With Christmas approaching, there are lots of places who accept donations.

Check any medicines and throw away any that have past their expiration date. You should always take an entire course of antibiotics as prescribed and never keep some ‘just in case.’ Ensure any up-to-date-medication is well labelled, safely closed and out of reach of children.

Use the cupboard spring clean as an opportunity to check and restock your first aid kit. If you are unsure of what you need in a first aid kit, consult your pharmacist. Needs can vary depending on your lifestyle and it is also a very good idea to have a second kit to keep in the car – you never know when you’ll need it!

Be creative with storage – if space is an issue, check out your local plastics shop. They stock lots of small drawers and boxes that may not be specifically designed for the bathroom, but can work very well nonetheless. For example, small tackle boxes designed for fishing paraphernalia can be ideal for holding earrings, hair ties, hair clips etc and stack neatly in a drawer.

Remember that you can store cotton balls in a small vase, or cotton buds in small glass jars, or interesting old glasses to hold toothbrushes and toothpaste. Not everything has to be out of sight.

Wipe everything over as you organise, and the whole job will be done in no time!