GrownUps New Zealand

Poem: An ode to a dunny

Do you ever wonder about the names

given to places of privacy and repose;

where person kind sits and surveys

the shape of feet and of the toes?

Many names describe these sites,

they’re varied and oft times funny.

There’s Lavatory, Long Drop

and the very definitive Dunny.

But that’s not the end of names

of places where we de-tox!

There’s Toilet, Rest Rooms, Latrine;

and the dramatic Thunder Box.

Dear Listener please wait!

There are more names I give to you

Please contemplate: Out-house, Bog

And the ever-popular Loo.

Carrying on with this latrine song,

there are other exotic places.

Like Khazi, John, and Convenience.

all dramatic private spaces.

But hold on! We’re not finished

in this search for a lavatorial name.

There is Water Closet, and Privy

Each can claim a chain to fame.

But the important name by far

for Nature’s vital reflectorium.

is the famous Roman watering hole

known as the Sanctum Lavatorium.

As we sit and joyfully reflect

think of the great debt that we owe;

to the Romans for the water feature

they invented so long ago!


Written by Bill Conroy

Bill Conroy is a Tauranga based freelance writer and poet with a particular interest in historical non-fiction and composing WW1 poetry.

Read more from Bill on GrownUps here.