GrownUps New Zealand

Want to learn how to use an iPhone?

Would you like to video call your grandchildren? What about taking photos of your dog? Or send an email to a friend? We’d like to introduce iGuide. Designed to help you build the confidence to
utilize your iPhone. iGuide comes with step by step instructions and screenshots covering all the essential features of the iPhone.

iGuide was designed for all ages and supports beginner level iPhone users. iGuide has 10 chapters covering all the essential apps on the iPhone such as Settings, Phone, Messages, Contacts, Mail, Photos, Camera, Safari, FaceTime, App Store. You can now enjoy browsing the internet, calling your family, downloading your favourite apps and more!

There are only 1000 copies available for pre-order and we’re offering an exclusive 5% off for all friends of (Use code: GROWNUPS ) and free shipping for all New Zealand pre-orders.

Visit to find out how you can make life easier with an iPhone.

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