GrownUps New Zealand

Start Your Own Blog

Have you got something to share with the world? The desire to express oneself is universal, and the internet is the perfect place to get started. There are some 450 million English language blogs active world wide – if they all have a forum to be heard, then so do you.

Blogging is like a digital diary entry. You can write as many blog posts as you like, as often as you like, and add photos of videos. The beauty of a blog is that it is creative, inexpensive and immediate -post as often as you like and  share it on various media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or your own website.

Will anyone care what you have to say?

Choose a topic that you are passionate about – enthusiasm is infectious! Sometimes the point of a blog is to gain the attention of others and raise awareness, sometimes it may be as simple as cataloguing all your favourite recipes so that your friends and family can enjoy them. Many of us dream of ‘writing a book’ one day when we have the time – well a blog is a jolly good start! Do it for your own enjoyment, and see where it takes you.

Family history enthusiasts can put their information out online – if there are missing pieces in your family tree, you may be able to connect with others who can help.

A blog generally starts out small and creates its own momentum.  If you are unsure of where to start, search and follow a few bloggers – don’t be intimidated – your ideas are as valid as everyone else’s.

Companies initiate their own blogs to help promote the brand or goods they are trying to sell. Daily or weekly blog updates are sent out to subscribers to keep them up to date with what the company can offer and how it is evolving.


This direct information method is used by both established companies and start up business alike. In the digital age, the more people can see and hear about your brand, the more popular it will be.

Musicians, actors, sports stars, in fact celebrities in general have all jumped on the blogging band wagon, covering everything from fashion, fitness, food, their lavish lifestyle or travel. It is an easy way to communicate with fans, and share snippets of their private life which people are eager to see.

Blogging can become a business in its own right. If your ideas ‘go viral,’ and catch the attention of advertisers, then you could even make some money out of simply sharing your ideas. American born Michael Arrington is the richest blogger so far in the world. He is the founder and former co-editor of TechCrunch, a blog covering the Silicon Valley technology star-up communities and the wider technology field in the USA. He earns $800,000 a month, and TIME magazine even selected him as one of the most influential people in the world.

As long as you have internet access you can quickly and easily set up your own blog online on various sites for FREE. Share stories about your travels, new recipes, your life, photography, family news, what ever you want. It’s a great platform to share your story with the world what ever that may be.

Free blog sites to check out

Blogging is about expressing yourself creatively. So whether your interested in a new business venture or you’re hoping to share your life long recipes for the world to see, go for it and enjoy. What have you got to lose?