GrownUps New Zealand

Edgecumbe & Awakeri

Follow Age Hacker Cherry as she introduces us to her surroundings and documents it all via a blog and vlog (video blog) using her smartphone. Learn about nature, technology and more!

The township of Edgecumbe is situated inland from the coast and lies 15 km to the west of Whakatane. It services the agricultural region surrounding the plains of the Rangitaiki river.

The village of Awakeri is a 10 minute drive from Whakatane. It is best known for the hot springs, farming and fruit -growing and recently the Awakeri Rail Adventures.

The rail carts used on the historic track has been adapted for tourists to drive themselves while following the ‘pilot’.

I really like that Awakeri Rail Adventures have formed a unique partnership with the Department of Conservation. The operator, with the help of the local Scout Club, manage the trapping of rats, ferrets and stoats to prevent further decimation of bird life.

There are 4 different types of trips on offer. I opted for the three-hour return trip which included, a bush walk, a stop to feed an enormous gaggle of chickens and other birds and having a cuppa made from boiling water in a ‘billy’ and biscuits.

I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and would recommend going onto the website for a look around.

EDGECUMBE & AWAKERI from Cheryle Bewley on Vimeo.

By Age Hacker, Cherry