GrownUps New Zealand

6 tech gadgets you never thought you needed

Go go gadgets! There are so many useful gadgets on the market that can improve your life. In saying that, there are also a lot of useless novelty gadgets that will end up in land fill. This post is to help you figure out which gadgets might make your life easier.


The Green IQ Smart Sprinkler

The smart way to green your grass, the Green IQ Smart Sprinkler Control Hub allows you to control a sprinkler system and outdoor lights with a smartphone – that’s not even the smart part though! OK so, let me tell you about the smart part – this device has sensors that detect weather conditions. It also connects to the internet and collects weather data from multiple reputable sources and automatically adjusts your garden watering schedule.  So after the simple initial setup, the Green IQ does the rest.


John Dere Tango E5 Series II Robot Lawn Mower

To keep on the grass theme, the John Deere Tango E5 Series II lawn mower is cutting edge. Pardon the pun! This automated lawn mower keeps your lawn nice and tidy all year around without you having to lift a finger. The Tango E5 series lawn mower communicates with a hardwired perimeter that is set up in your yard upon purchase. It’s fully programmable, so you can set the height and schedule all at the touch of a button. The Tango comes with a charging dock and when it’s low on battery automatically and takes itself home to recharge the batteries.


The Pet Cube

This thing is amazing – it’s a pet food dispenser with a twist. The Pet Cube takes photos of your pet, but that’s not the best bit. It has an LED light that is remotely controlled via a wireless connection, so you can watch your pet chase around a light via your smartphone while you giggle with joy and the Pet Cube records the whole thing. Absolute genius! It’s not the most practical gadget, but it will brighten up your life with hours of belly laugh inducing entertainment.


The JumpsPower AMG5T

This is a flashlight and a power bank that can jump start your car many times over with one single charge. Oh yeah, and it can also charge your smartphone! The JumpsPower AMG5T is a great little gadget to leave in the car and forget about until it comes time to help out a stranger or yourself. If you do find yourself the situation of your car breaking down and your phones dead, whip out the trusty power bank and charge on up and call for help. Hopefully you won’t need it.


The iKettle

Love a good cuppa first thing in the morning? Don’t we all. The iKettle syncs with the alarm in your smartphone so as soon as that annoying buzzer sounds, the iKettle kicks in and starts boiling. Hot water will be waiting for you before you’re out of bed and stumbling around looking for your work pants.


Lumix TS5 Tough Camera

As the name suggests, this is one tough camera. Built for camping or trekking in the great outdoors. It’s dustproof, shockproof, waterproof, and even freeze proof! The Lumix is one tough little cookie of a camera and will stand up to both the elements and your clumsiness. It has Wi-Fi capabilities so you can easily transfer your photos plus you can even use your phone as a remote control, so you can set it up and take pictures from the comfort of your camping chair.


These are just a few of the new tech gadgets designed to make your life easier, and give you some extra time to do the things you love.