GrownUps New Zealand

Burning tech question?

Get a plain answer from a Noel Leeming Tech Solutions expert.

Feeling a bit lost with your technology? Maybe you’ve never quite managed to get your calendar synced up to your smart phone. Or perhaps you’ve just given up on streaming TV because it always seems too much like hard work.

If that sounds like you. Good news! Our friends over at Noel Leeming Tech Solutions have a super tech expert on standby to answer your burning questions.

Noel Leeming Tech Solutions are all about helping you get more from your technology. They’re experts who can help you choose the right stuff, get it safely delivered and set up, then help you use it with training and support.

So, what tech issue has been making you feel stuck? Super slooowwwww computers? Printers that won’t respond? WiFi that always seems to drop off?

Submit your questions below and we could include them – and the expert answers – in our upcoming blog.