GrownUps New Zealand

Fashion Tips for GrownUp Girls

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As we all know, fashion is always targeted at 18 – 25-year-old models with stick thin figures – not for ‘GrownUp Girls’. The majority of designers are not interested, that women with real figures still want to look fashionable, fabulous and gorgeous. Although a few years ago our figures were great, no matter what we do, or how much we wish, we can’t get back to the size we still picture ourselves.

‘GrownUp Girls’ want to have their own style so that they feel ‘elegant’ and ‘comfortable’ in ‘stylish’ clothes that are ‘timeless’. As long as you look elegant you will feel elegant. So, dress in the styles that suit your figure and lifestyle.

You don’t want to look like Mutton dressed as Lamb, so bypass the shops that are aimed towards teens, or early 20’s. Find a shop that carries the styles you like, in sizes that fit (ie styles that have wider sleeves, more room around the tummy and hips). Styles that are ‘Chic, yet casual and comfortable’. Don’t be afraid to try on different sizes, to find the one that suits you, as not all garments are cut equal.

Winter is just around the corner, and It is true, Black does go with every everything, but New Zealander’s, as a whole, are known for wearing an overabundance of BLACK.

So, be careful when you are wearing black put a contrast colour with it, in particular near your face. A fabulous bright or soft coloured scarf can do wonders.

Jill Bryce
White Linen Design