GrownUps New Zealand

Make the most of makeup

Every few years, your skin changes. If you take good care of your skin from the inside, with good nutrition, plenty of water, lots of sleep, sun protection and no smoking, these changes are mostly due to gravity. Gravity is hard to counteract, but there are plenty of products which will help your skin look its best.

Just as your fashion sense changes over time, so should your makeup style. Here are some ways to put your best face forward.


A clean, moisturised face is essential. Remember what your mother told you and always take off makeup at night, and in the morning, wash your face and apply moisturiser before beginning your makeup routine. Not only do you want to make sure you moisturise your skin, you also need to protect it from sun damage. Choose a moisturiser with an SPF to  ensure your face is protected all day (the same goes with any part of your body that is exposed to the sun).

Lay the foundation

Foundation is definitely not a one-size-fits-all product. Where you once needed a dry powder, a liquid foundation may be more flattering on older skin. A slight yellow in the base can add warmth to your skin. Always start by applying a small amount and blend it well with a sponge. Thickly applied makeup can build up in fine lines and wrinkles, making them appear bigger than they really are.

Natural looking makeup accentuates your best features. Use concealer or corrector under your foundation and lightly cover with translucent powder to set it. Many powders now have highlights, to give you a bit of a glow.

Frame the face

As we get older, we often lose some of the distinctness of the features we once had. But, play up your best features by accenting your bone structure with bronzer or blusher.

Our hair and eyebrows are usually lighter as we age too, so where you once used black or dark brown to groom your brows and make your eyes pop, change to a softer, lighter shade, for a more natural finish. Well groomed brows are a must though – use a brow mascara or brush to frame your face well.


Eyeshadow is wonderful stuff, unless it collects in the creases around your eye – this is really ageing.  This can be avoided by using an eyeshadow base – a cream coating to help provide a blank palette on which you can apply your eyeshadow without making it look smudgy or creating larger cracks and crevices.

Try taupes, coppers and browns to make your eyes sparkle, and be sparing with shimmery colours – only use them as an accent and the widest part of your eye.

Even if you’ve never used an eyelash curler before, now is the time. This will open up the eyes by drawing the lashes open and making your eyes look bigger. Use a brown mascara with a gentle hand to finish off your look.


A good lippy will make your day. Line your lips with a neutral pencil (try and use your natural lip line) and fill in with your favourite shade. Bright red is great for a statement, but peaches and neutrals are incredibly flattering (they make your teeth look whiter). Choose a moisturising formula and to make your lips appear fuller, use gloss towards the middle.

Makeup should make the most of your own wonderful features, not create a mask. Do your best to keep it natural and use your beauty regimen to compliment what you already have going for you.