GrownUps New Zealand

Video: Air NZ video is as kiwi as

Who says kiwis can’t fly?

In Air New Zealand’s first global brand campaign, a feathered free-spirit by the name of Pete puts on the charm as he hops a plane in Los Angeles to plug the carrier’s service and amenities while acting as an animated brand ambassador for New Zealand. He might just sound familiar as he is voiced by our very own Sam Neill.

“Despite the desire to visit New Zealand, one of the greatest barriers to travel is the perception of distance, with some consumers thinking it’s more than 20 hours away,” Jodi Williams, general manager of brand and content marketing at the carrier.

While the clip is cleaver it does makes you wonder, how long will the brand continue to spend on elaborate videos that only reach the people who are already sitting on one of the airline’s jets?

What are your thoughts?