GrownUps New Zealand

Gidday Everyone

Read about me here

It’s been a long time since we last talked.  What a roller coaster ride I have had over the past 8 months

I guess I had better explain.

As many of you will have noticed I am no longer with SolidGoldFM. It was my own choice, the pressure of early mornings probably got too much for me, and last August I had what could only be called A Major Meltdown. If you ever been through something like this, you’ll understand.

I locked myself away for two days and couldn't answer the phone or the door, and just felt that my life had been a total waste of time and probably should be ended.

Eventually my good friend Pam Corkery popped in and immediately contacted the people at North Shore Mental Health Services for Older Adults, after several hours talking with the team they decided that I was in a state of depression.

I was put into a respite house with some amazing folk in Albany, where I was looked after by Vicky and her family. It was a real experience; they chatted away, fed me and generally eased the stress out of my life.

I still take medication , and will do so for the rest of my life I also attend regular counselling and am told I am Bipolar2 which is apparently the one without the huge highs…:)

But to top all that off, I arrived home, after I was diagnosed as being well again, only to find that my unit had been burgled, a 42 inch Plasma, my PS3, a laptop, a sound system and my MY SKY had all been flogged, funnily enough I handled that reasonably well, after using the cognitive therapy I had been taught by my Councillor Beryl Fabian (I hope this doesn't conflict with medical ethics etc..

I am well now and feeling great, it’s been up and down.

Then there was the dreadful news from Christchurch and losing four good friends in the CTV building I am feeling so sorry that I couldn't get down and help out, as Christchurch was the place where I made my name and shared so many fun times with so many loyal listeners

I want to thank all my friends and family who stood by me during this painful period, esp. Pammy, David, Robin and the team at North Shore Hospital and, many friends on my Face book page Muzzashow…So that is where we stand now Ladies and Gentlemen. Right now I am looking for a job, so if there's anything out there let me know, maybe I could be a clown, perhaps an extra on Shortland Street, a Fawlty Towers type Waiter 'though I don't look the Manuel type:)' I do good phones but have had my share of call centres, how about a film critic, a town moaner, or a party organiser, or better still a talkback host.

Now to something on the bright side (no pun intended)… I was watching one of the news channels last night and saw an amazing story from Dubai, which is hosting the world football cup in the next few years, (I forget what year it is). But the real story is that the powers that be are worried about the hot desert sun beating down on the crowds at the Dubai Football stadium, so the Texperts have been developing an artificial cloud. Basically, from what I can gather, it’s a remote controlled floating platform filled with helium powered by solar panels that will provide shade from the suns burning rays, and as the sun moves the Cloud will move with it, so far it’s only on the drawing board, but a prototype is not too far away. Keep watching this space folks.

Did you see that ridiculous couple on Close up tonight (23rd March) who have developed a big brother type device that can monitor kids Mobile calls? A damn good idea. But my problem was the 5 year old who had her own mobile phone, any parent who bows to a child's technological demands need to have a big stick stuck right up where the sun doesn't shine. The people who developed this made for good laugh fodder for a group of us watching Close Up, what a dreary couple, they used every buzz phrase known to modern man riddled with cliché after cliché, not one simple phrase that remotely raised the possibility that they are anything other than a pair of Politically Correct robots. I know it’s a changing world but can’t we just back to the KISS principle… Keep it simple stupid. The same goes for the headmaster at Hastings Boys High, what happens when next year’s Head Boy drinks himself over the limit? The Head Boy isn't one who made a bad decision, it was The Headmaster.
