GrownUps New Zealand

‘Marvellous’ Adult Theatre for Those Aged 65+


The Auckland Theatre Company (ATC) runs MARVELLOUS, a free, weekly performance group for motivated senior citizens aged 65 and over.

ATC Associate director Lynne Cardy explains how the programme came about: "We launched our community theatre programme Participate soon after we moved to (the lower level of) the Mt Eden War Memorial Hall at the beginning of 2011. We were casting seniors for 'The Waste Land' directed by Michael Hurst.

A large group of seniors were interested in being involved and at the first meeting, Michael told them: "You need to be keen, turn up to every rehearsal and if you are here next week, you're in.”

"The show had a cast of 34 and was named by Metro magazine as 'The Best New Cast' in 2011.

"After the season ended, the actors were keen to carry on and so we formed Marvellous."

Each Marvellous programme runs for a school term. On average a group of around 20 people work alongside experienced directors and actors every week for the term.

If you are keen to surprise yourself, have fun and make new friends and give it a go, the best way to find out more is to email Tanya at The Auckland Theatre Company first to enrol.

Caption: The Waste Land 2011.