GrownUps New Zealand

Fun Facts – 25 February 2015

did you know wider

– Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration

– In a 2008 survey, 58% of British teens thought Sherlock Holmes was a real guy, while 20% thought Winston Churchill was not.

– A British man changed his name to Tim Pppppppppprice to make it harder for telemarketers to pronounce.

– Prairie dogs say hello with kisses

– A 2009 search for the Loch Ness Monster came up empty. Scientists did find over 100,000 golf balls.

– The 50-star American flag was designed by an Ohio high school student for a class project. His teacher originally gave him a B–.

– 12+1 = 11+2, and "twelve plus one" is an anagram of "eleven plus two."

– If you start counting at one and spell out the numbers as you go, you won't use the letter "A" until you reach 1,000.

– The medical term for ice cream headaches is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.

– Sleeping through winter is hibernation, while sleeping through summer is estivation.

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