– Catfish have the most taste buds on the world – 20 times more than humans do.
– The Hummingbird is the only bird on the world that can fly backwards.
– The most recognised scent on the whole world is coffee.
– Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.
– Cherophobia is the fear of happiness, rejoicing and joyfulness.
– If a month starts with a Sunday, then that month will always have a Friday the 13th.
– On average one celebrates their birthday on the same day with about 18 million people worldwide.
-If someone keeps a goldfish in a dark room slowly the colour of the fish will turn white.
– Out of 2 billion people only one reaches the age of 116.
– Married men change their underwear twice as often as single men.
Courtesy of outrageousfacts.com