GrownUps New Zealand

Fun Facts – 18th January

How many days do you sleep in a lifetime?
If the average night’s sleep is eight hours (ie one third of a day), one sleeps for one third of one’s life. If you live, say, 75 years, that’s 25 years asleep, or 9,125 days.
What does Shemp mean?
Fake Shemp or simply Shemp, is the term for someone who appears in a film as a replacement for another actor or person. Their appearance is disguised using methods such as heavy make-up, filming from the back, or perhaps only showing an arm or a foot.
What does the phrase as you were mean?
“As you were” is a standard military command. It means, literally, “[return] to your previous posture”. Soldiers must snap to a formal “attention” position when an officer enters their presence, and the officer issues this command to indicate they may resume their prior activities.
Are all breeds of dogs color blind?
No, dogs are not colorblind in the sense that they see more than just black, white, and gray. However, the color range they perceive is limited compared to the spectrum we see. To put it in very basic terms, the canine color field consists mostly of yellows, blues, and violets.